Help us bring more music, comedy, drama, dance, creativity, passion, beauty, and joy to the Newport Performing Arts Center.

After nearly 10 years and completing the first 6 of 7 ambitious phases, our Capital Campaign to “Entertain the Future!” is in the final countdown…and we need YOU to play a starring role!



The Newport Performing Arts Center—built through community effort, passion, and sheer love for the arts—was a cutting edge facility when the doors opened in the late 1980s. But time marches on. In 2014, to ensure “the PAC” would continue to serve the community far into the future, Oregon Coast Council for the Arts launched a seven-phase Capital Campaign to renovate and enhance the facility.

Phases 1-6 included installation of a world-class Meyer Constellation Acoustical System, new energy-efficient lighting equipment, restroom expansions, a 612 square foot lobby addition, and more.

Unfortunately, the pandemic hit just as the final phase was getting underway. Now, three years later, the cost of construction and building materials has risen considerably.

Can you help bring these long-awaited renovations to fruition? Click to Donate Now

We’ve come so far, raising more than $2.15M for this final phase. Viewed through that lens, $314K may not seem like much. But that final 15% is, arguably, the most important amount of all.

Your tax-deductible donation will help us:

Offer more performances by eliminating sound-bleed issues between our stages, and making much-needed improvements to the David Ogden Stiers studio theatre

Create spaces for more performers by adding an additional greenroom and  doubling the number of dressing rooms backstage

Become more inclusive by upgrading to accessible, all-gender restrooms for our performers, with floor-to-ceiling privacy

Create more community opportunities by developing an 850 sqft rehearsal room and arts laboratory space to house workshops, lessons, rehearsals, and community connections

It all comes down to this. Can you make a gift today?